First ePMV movie by Vuk Nikolic - Protein synthesis

Post date: Nov 30, 2011 5:34:17 PM

Vuk is a 3-D artist with a Masters of Science degree in Biology and a strong interest in creating high-quality, photo-realistic, scientific/technical animations. While studying science, Vuk was always passionate to translate natural processes into vivid and accurate visualizations. He has completed 3-D and 2-D animation works for many clients such as National Geographic and History Channel. Vuk Nikolic's web site: vuk3d.comVuk produce this accurate movie of the protein translation process using Cinema 4D-ePMV and Adobe After Effects. ePMV greatly help him represents all the actors of this complex process. He used Molecular surface, ribbon and ladder, atoms and lines representations. For Vuk, this project wouldn't be ever accomplished without ePMV.Watch in HD for a better experience.You can also watch it on Vimeo :