ePMV rendered structures in Nature article

Post date: Mar 17, 2015 3:22:19 AM


Although medical and scientific illustrators (our biggest user group) use ePMV to create complex illustrations and animations that typically convey structure in the broader context of the cell, Park et al have used ePMV for a classic structure comparison in their 2015 article in Nature: Agrochemical control of plant water use using engineered abscisic acid receptors.http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/fig_tab/nature14123_F2.html

Our 2011 article about ePMV in the journal Structure demonstrated this type of use, so we appreciate the authors' application, which combined ePMV with the capabilities of Cinema 4D and interior mesh models exported from PyMol. We further appreciate the citation for this type of use.