Update regularly
To update ePMV from within your host to the current version 0.5.x:
Open the ePMV plugin
Click Help–>check for update
This will look at http://mgldev.scripps.edu/projects/ePMV/update_notes.txt to check if the version you are running corresponds to latest available version on our server
The update window gives you the option to make a backup copy of your current version.
We recommend backing up, so say "yes"
The backup may take several minutes depending on your internet connection speed. The host will appear to be frozen, but don't force quit, just wait it out. You can check the console to confirm the update or look for the new version in your preferences folder.
You can revert to any older backup version in your preferences folder by following instructions posted: here RevertToBackupVersion
Currently you can only update from any 0.4.x to the latest (0.5.y)
Since the release of 0.4.0 (~October 2011), attempting to update any version earlier than 0.5.x, e.g, 0.3.x via the help menu will break your plugin:
To update from 0.3.x, you must remove the ePMV folder from your host and follow the new Standalone Installer instructions to update to 0.5.x
After updating to 0.5.x you can update regularly with the simple Help–>CheckForUpdate button
If the update gave you an error or if you prefer you can do it manually:
Remove the two folders ePMV and uPy from the MGLToolsPckgs folder of your existing ePMV plugin folder.
Download the latest ePMV here : ePMV-0.5.zip
Extract the two folders ePMV and uPy to the MGLToolsPckgs folder of your existing ePMV plugin folder.
To run ePMV on multiple host versions on a Mac the "smart" way:
OUT OF TIME TODAY, will update these intsructions on January 19, 2013. For now, just drag a complete copy from your r12 or r13 folder into your r14 plugins folder!
You can have one installation for the various iterations of your host on a mac. This requires a softlink system. Note: Aliases are not the same as soft links- creating a softlink is easy, but requires use of the terminal. I will try to post a video in the future, so wait for that if you are uncomfortable with the terminal:
This example will cover Cinema4D, but the same basic process works for Maya
On a Mac, open Applications>Utilities>Terminal
Open Cinema 4D and get to your preferences folder as follows
Click Edit>Preferences> click [Open preferences fodder...] button on bottom left
This will open the preferences folder (hidden in OS 10.7+) in the Finder
Open the preferences for all of the versions of Cinema 4D you want to run ePMV, e.g. r12, r13, r14
Unfold CINEMA 4D R13_XYZ, CINEMA 4D R14_Demo etc.
Create a softlink from your most recent ePMV install to the other folders
Place epmv into the plugin folder of the version you plan to use most, e.g. r13 while you're making the transition to r14, so the path for that would be CINEMA 4D R13_XYZ/plugins/epmv
In your terminal window at the prompt yourcomputername% type cd then drag the plugins folder from the CINEMA 4D R1X_Path you want to add a soflink for epmv into the terminal window and hit return
In this same terminal window, type ln -s and then drag the "real" epmv folder into the terminal.
After the path gets automatically added your terminal should say yourcomputername% ln -s